Friday, May 8, 2009

Calgon Take Me Away........................

Here is a family pic of me and my boys.
So the wedding was beautiful! My baby sister is married--wow that is weird to say. I'm kinda sad cause I feel like she is all grown up now and doesn't need big sis anymore. I remember how she used to follow me around always wanting to do what I did---like I was something special and now she's all grown up and married. It takes a second for that to register. I am so happy that she found such a good guy like Dyl because I know that he loves her so much and will treat her the way she deserves and for that I thank God. Okay I am getting all emotional so I am moving on to other subjects.

Kindergarten took a field trip to Deanna Rose Farmstead today and had a fun time. Then the Davidson Fiesta was tonight and let me just say I am exhausted. I am also stressing out about report cards, end of the year awards, and the million other things I have to get done before school is out. Please dear Lord give me strength to get through the next two weeks without having a meltdown.

Daddy is doing pretty good. He has good days and bad but you can't keep him down. He took off to the farm to do some work today so just goes to show you his work ethic. ie (broken vertebrae=still working his butt off) Most people who are perfectly fine don't work as hard as my daddy on his worst days. Okay I think I have vented enough tonight. Till next time......
