Friday, April 24, 2009

Don't Cry Daddy

So, let me start by saying things could have been so much worse. My dad was backing the 4wheeler off of the truck this afternoon and he went to put the brake on and it flipped up and back and he and the 4 wheeler went straight off the back of the truck upside down onto asphalt. He landed on his back with the 4wheeler on top of him and he heard something pop in his back. He pushed the 4wheeler off of him and laid there in pain for a few seconds. Then when he realized he could still move, he rolled over and managed to get on the 4 wheeler and drive it in the garage and come around up to the front of the house and get inside to my gma and tell her what had happened before going to the bedroom and collapsing in the bed. We took him to the ER and he has a compression fracture in the 4th lumbar vertebrae in his lower back. His main concern was walking my sis down the aisle in 9 days. He kept getting emotional about it and we had to calm him down and tell him it would be okay. My dad always worried about someone else. Thank you God for not letting this be any worse. Now if we can just make it through the next week of a Bachelorette Party, Dress Fitting and Rehearsal, and The Big Wedding without any major hitches, then we will be okay. God you are good.

Till next time.
