Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day Dance

So as per usual it has been a couple of months since my last post.  We have had a major snowstorm (thanks in large part to my naked snow dance) so we have had two snow days and will be having another one tomorrow due to the cold temperatures and wind chill factor.  I am enjoying the time off.  I love chilling at home and sleeping in.  I rarely do that on the weekends anymore so it is nice to do it.  I do miss my kids and my besties but I value the time to relax and hang out with my Barks and my bed!  In other news, my sis is having some health/stress issues.  I am really worried about her and missing her like crazy.  Two weeks of Christmas Break just wasn't enough time with her and Dyl.  I wish they could've stayed longer.  :(    I think she is coming up for the summer for classes.  I am so excited to spend the summer with her!    On the dating front, I am talking to a couple of guys.  I actually have a date with Reece the meteorologist on Monday and Matt the softwaredeveloper/IT  guy next Thursday.  I won't hold my breath but both seem like really nice guys which will be a refreshing change from what I am used to.  The last few dates--not so much.  Payton is getting so big.  He is growing so fast.  It makes me sad all the stuff that I miss out on now that I am not in his life as much.  I still see him most Sundays but I miss him a lot.  I went to Brewtop on NYE with an old friend --Tina Clauder.  We had a lot of fun catching up.  It had been so long since I had seen her.  It is crazy how you can lose touch with someone and then reconnect and it is like no time has gone by at all.  Granny hurt her knee pretty bad over Christmas Break.  She is still not healed and Dad and Mom are pretty worried about her.  I just pray that she does not need surgery.  Contemplating some major changes in my life---becoming a foster parent, CASA, adopting, or something else.  Not sure yet.  I am also still deciding what to get my EdS or Doctorate in:  Admin., Counseling, Sped., ..   Hopefully this summer will give me some clarity and I will make some decisions.  I guess this is all I have for now.
Till next time,

                                                            Payton Christmas 2010