Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Some videos to check out!

Blackbird -- Sarah Mclachlan---One of my fav. songs!

Children See Children Do---This video is so powerful!

Blackbird Fly

So much has happened since my last entry--lol.  I wrote that cause that is how I used to start all of my old college diary entries.  Anyhoo, I am back at work and have an absolutely amazing class this year.  I have 21 cause I just got a new kiddo today.  I have a couple of ornery ones but most of them are angels--this is my best class ever.  I feel like I am finally in the groove in Kindergarten and that Lis and Ry don't have to carry me anymore--lol.  I love the new Animated Literacy that we are doing for Com. Arts.  It is amazing and I am seeing great progress with my kids.  I have decided to have a student teacher next semester so I am excited for that.  I figured this would be a good year for it.  I am also contemplating going back to school for either my EdS or my Doctorate in Administration.  I know I can't believe I am contemplating becoming a principal.  Crazy huh?  Never thought I would say those words.  :-)  Lisa and Matt got married on Oct. 1st and it was so sweet.  I was so happy to be a part of that special day with them.  I am also so happy Lis found such a great guy who loves her as much as she loves him.  They are meant for each other.  :-)  Sissy will be here in one month and I can't wait to see her.  I miss her so much.  Church is going good and I feel like I am growing as a Christian.  I get to have Payton pretty much every Sun afternoon and I love spending that time with him.  It is amazing how fast he is growing.  I miss the time that I don't get to spend with him.  I have had a few dates--none good enough to have a 2nd date--lol.   My cousin Dustin's life ended tragically two weeks ago when he was texting and driving and was in a car accident.  At his funeral, we were left with two things to think about---1)  Know where you stand with God for tomorrow is not guaranteed.  2)  Don't text and drive.--Your life is too precious. :(   Nothing much else going on.  I am gonna post some videos in my next entry.

Till next time,